I am delighted to be included in the upcoming exhibition Migrant Objects at Ny Space in Manchester city centre.

An exhibtion to celebrate the month long residency exchange between Manchester and Bilbao.
Saturday and Sunday 12 – 4pm
12/13.03.16 & 19/20.03.16

Artists : Zuhar Iruretagoiena / Jorge Núñez / Hillary Jack / Hondartza Fraga

Jorge Núñez’s film ‘Merlin the wizard’ will screen at 3:30 on each day of the exhibition

Ny space is a residency and exhibition space in the heart of Manchester City Centre. Ny is aimed at giving an international context to the work of early to mid-career artists based in Manchester. The space is highly accessible with views from street level with wrap around glass windows and was chosen due to its ability to raise visibility of grassroots contemporary art in the city. The space has been achieved through a collaboration with East Street Arts, rednile and new partners Bruntwood.

