
Installation (lightbulbs, wall-drawing) 2007-11
The illusion and the tension in the shadows drawn and the empty bulbs creates a contradiction between absence and presence, between the promise of perfection enclosed in these miniature scenarios that can never be fulfilled, and the isolation and imperfection of the real world that they evoke.

Last exhibited at DLA Piper, Sheffield, July 2011.

Previously exhibited at:
incandescent-plane.jpg Incandescent III, London, UK, 2008

incandescent2-factoryii.jpg Incandescent II, Santander, Spain, 2007/8

incandescent21.jpg Incandescent I, Sheffield, UK, 2007


  1. miguel angel

    Me parece un trabajo de gran imaginacion y que se puede ampliar con nuevos desarrollos basados en el tema del cambio climatico.