I saw a man walking a cat today. And this cat was cheerfully walking along. It was a grey tiger cat, they were gone before I had time to fish my camera out, and anyway I lost precious seconds just smiling and staring at the scene. The best image of the day. I will do a better drawing.

I have been doing a bit of drawing the last couple of days. It has been lovely to be back in the studio, and although I’m still very unsure about where the drawings might be going, it feels good if I manage to finish one without thinking its complete rubbish. Yesterday the sunset looked amazing from the studio window, full of reds and purples. I borrowed the two broken violins from Markus. They are very pretty objects, and even laying there, failed, still can somehow find a function in their silence. For me they are as valid as a fixed violin, I couldn’t make it play.

I feel I need a map to know how to get lost. But if you don’t want to arrive anywhere you wouldn’t look at a map. And if you follow a map, even one intended for getting lost, you wouldn’t be technically lost… I have started to hand-drawn empty polar coordinates graphs.